Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Grilled Zucchini with Parsley Sauce

Zucchini has GOT to be most plentiful garden crop.  Our CSA boxes and markets are teeming with green and yellow summer squash.  As August unfolds, we begin wondering how to use all of this bounty (and perhaps even contemplate handing it out at bus stops).  Fortunately, zucchini lends itself well to stove top, oven and barbecue preparations.

Tossing zucchini on the grill is my favorite way to prepare it (frankly, I could say this about lots of veggies!).  The flames char the zucchini, yielding crispy edges and smoky flavor. Usually, a sprinkle of salt is all that is needed before diving in.  I read this summer’s issue of Edible Seattle cover-to-cover, though, and found some marvelous new ways to enjoy grilled veggies.  Always on the lookout for inspiration with zucchini, I was instantly smitten with the chimichurri vinaigrette tossed with grilled zucchini.

This simple parsley vinaigrette elevates the grilled squash to something special. Garlic adds zip and citrus brightens it up.  I’ve made variations of this dish three times so far and it is devoured, prompting comments such as, “I don’t even like zucchini, but I love this.”  A crowd pleaser!

A key tip is to coat the zucchini spears with the sauce as they come off the grill, then let it all sit to marinate for a few hours before serving, making it perfect for a party or to take on a picnic dinner.  I should mention that the sauce is also wonderful on grilled asparagus, and I found myself dipping roasted potatoes in it, as well.  I do love a versatile condiment!

Grilled Zucchini with Parsley Sauce
Inspired by Edible Seattle July/August 2012
Serves 4-6

1 large bunch Italian parsley (reserve stems for another use such as making broth)
3 large cloves garlic
1/2 cup fresh lemon or lime juice, or a mix (I’ve tried all these options and like a mix pf both)
1/4 cup olive oil, plus more to oil grill
Salt and pepper to taste
7-8 medium zucchini, sliced lengthwise in quarters (leave the stems on)

In a food processor, whiz the parsley, garlic, citrus juice and olive oil together until smooth.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Heat your barbecue and, using tongs, rub the grates with a paper towel dipped in olive oil.  Lay the zucchini spears on, cover and grill over medium heat for a few minutes, until grill marks appear and it begins to soften.  Turn the spears continue cooking for a couple more minutes, until they begin to char and are tender but not mushy.

Remove the zucchini to a platter or large bowl and slather the parsley sauce on to coat.  Let sit at room temperature for a couple of hours before serving.


  1. Oh, delicious! What a great combo. I slather a similar sauce all over everything, but I haven't tried letting zucchini sit and marinate in it. Cant' wait!

    1. Thanks, Christina! Isn't it a versatile sauce? I can imagine using it in so many ways. I hope you enjoy the marinated zucchini. Have a great (sunny!) weekend!

  2. Hannah, what a fantastic flavor, and such an easy meal to make! Thanks! :)

    1. My pleasure, Marina! Hope you're enjoying your summer and eating lots of good food.

  3. You got me with the "I don't even like zucchini" quote. I love it, but Paul absolutely does not like it at all. I just keep hoping he hasn't had it the "right" way yet--evidently French parents are told kids need to try foods they don't like right away twelve different ways before giving up. That probably applies to adults, too!

    1. I like that advice, Lauren - my son didn't like Brussels sprouts until he tried them roasted. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Paul and zucchini! :) Have a great weekend!

  4. Love the idea of quartering them like this, rendering them less fussy then the thinly sliced versions I typically grill. Will try that with my next onslaught of veggies!

    1. I hope the quartered spears work well for you, Erina. I prefer this method since they are easier to turn and take off the grill - much more sturdy. Hope you have a marvelous weekend in the sun!

  5. Zucchini may be one of my favorite veggies. I grew a bunch last summer, which was so fun. This year we're not in town much - mostly up at the Lake now - and I'm missing my garden now that it's August. But I've got a bunch of parsley that need harvesting now that I'm home. So this dish is perfect!

    1. I hope you're enjoying your time at the lake, Susan! The parsley sauce is quite versatile and delicious slathered on just about anything - hope you like it! Have a great weekend!

  6. I love make ahead dishes. They mean I get to enjoy the party. I can definitely see why this gets better as it sits and YES, zucchini grows like crazy. It's one of those veggies you always know you can find and for cheap!

    1. Plentiful and cheap - you've described zucchini well, Mikaela! I love seeing all the creative ways to use it each August (my favorite involves baking with chocolate, but I just saw a recipe for lemon zucchini cookies that sounds delish). Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. How I wish I had too many Zucchinis to use up! I can eat it raw, cooked, grilled, baked, etc etc..
    This looks like a great new recipe!

    1. Thank you, Chinmayie! I agree with you, I enjoy zucchini in any form. Wish we could send you some! Enjoy your weekend!

  8. I share your love of grilled veggies. The parsley sauce accompaniment is perfect for the zucchini.

    1. Thank you, Lynda! I'll be grilling more veggies soon and dolloping this sauce on everything. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Thank you Hannah for this great recipe. I am going to use it in my next BBQ class and tell the students to read your blog for other great recipes. Gurl, I just love your cookin'

    1. Aw, thank you for your kind words, Chef Moji! I appreciate you sharing this recipe with your class - I hope you all enjoy it! And I hope you've been having a wonderful summer so far! :)

  10. Beautiful... a great addition to the "new ways to deal with zucchini glut"! I'll save this one for summer :)

    1. Thank you, Mairi! I think zucchini deserves its own special category as a veggie - we certainly get to enjoy it in many different ways!


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